
Livly Garden has tutorials available for basic mechanics that you can revisit to refresh on how something works. This section will contain translations for each of these tutorials as well as translations for buttons (so you know what to press).

Button Translations

Basic Buttons

As a general rule of thumb, you can usually assume that the left button option is "yes" or "confirm", while the right option is "no" or "back".

When speaking to NPCs, you can get 2-3 button options listed vertically. The top button is "chat", the bottom button is "leave", and the middle button is for requests.

When you click the middle button to interact with a request, click the middle button again to fufill or accept a request. Click the bottom button to give up or deny a request.

You can always check again what a request says by clicking on the orange exclamation point button on the bottom screen.

Main Screen Buttons

The topmost-right button is the directory, seen positioned over a bulletin board.

The topmost-left button is the game's encyclopedia, seen positioned over three propped up books. It's self-explanatory; an encyclopedia for keeping track of everything you've discovered or unlocked in the game. It's easy to navigate since the different sections are seperated by icons.

The middle-right button is for saving the game, seen positioned over a red diary.

The bottom-middle button is for accessing your garden(s), seen positioned under a small tree.

The bottom-right button is for revisiting the game's tutorials, seen positioned over a clipboard.

The bottom-left button is mostly unknown to me. It's positioned over a book labeled "album", so I assume it was something for taking photos. Access to this button was never prompted during my playtime, so it's not important for progressing through the game. I think it was related to the now-obsolete multiplayer area, but I personally can't confirm this.

Directory Buttons

The directory lets you travel to different locations.

The middle option is your room, where you can access the main screen.

The top-right option is the Happy Wagon Shop, where you can buy and sell items.

The bottom-right option is the lottery ticket dispensary, where you can buy lottery tickets.

The top-left option is Dr. Muller's Office, where you can manage your Livlies.

The bottom-left option is a now-obsolete multiplayer area.

Visit the Locations section for more information.

Game Tutorials

- Introduction

- Opening Scene

- Livlies

- Doodoo

- Tutorials

- NPCs

- Locations

- Golden Beanstalk

- Biometer & More

- Bugs

- Plants

- Soil Types

- Livly Abilities

- Monsters

- Strategies