Golden Beanstalk

After the basic tutorial of the game and fufilling quests given to you by Dr. Muller, a Golden Beanstalk will begin to grow in the upper corner of your garden. Its growth is tied directly to the Biometer and doesn't need water or sunshine. Once the Biometer rises to the yellow mark, the Golden Beanstalk will be fully matured.

Visit the Biometer section for information on how to rise the Biometer.

After this, credits will roll. But the game is not over.

After this event, you will unlock more Livly species as well as another garden (which comes with the opportunity to adopt a second Livly). Your Livlies will also be able to ocassionally give you heart-shaped doodoo when you help them poop.

Visit the Doodoo section for more information on what heart-shaped dd is for.

The quests you receive from Dr. Muller at this point will involve discovering a certain number of bug species in order to unlock more gardens.

Visit the NPCs section for more information on Dr. Muller's quests.

- Introduction

- Opening Scene

- Livlies

- Doodoo

- Tutorials

- NPCs

- Locations

- Golden Beanstalk

- Biometer & More

- Bugs

- Plants

- Soil Types

- Livly Abilities

- Monsters

- Strategies