Livlies are tiny creatures that were created by alchemy during medieval times. In the beginning of the game you will get the opportunity to adopt one from Dr. Muller, who specializes in Livly alchemy. Make sure to take care of your Livly at least once a day since it's actually possible for them to die from neglect.
Livlies all have the inherent ability to fertilize the ground they walk on. As they traverse the garden, the dirt tiles will eventually become fertile enough to plant on. However, The ground will (very) slowly turn back to its original form while your Livly is not standing on it. You can keep track of how the ground is fairing on the top screen of the garden by cycling through the menu with the shoulder buttons (or emulator equivalent). You can check the water levels of the garden too.
Visit the Biometer & More section for more information on garden menus.
Livlies have certain likes and dislikes when it comes to soil types (and their related plants). Livlies that dislike a soil type will avoid it, which means that certain tiles might not get fertilized as often (unless you drag and drop your livly on it, but they will immediately walk off).
Visit the Soil Types section for a list of all soil types.
You will also be occasionally visited by livly NPCs who will converse with you, gift you doodoo, and give requests for certain things. The Happy Wagon Shop is unlocked at the beginning of the game, but after the tutorial you will be visited by a purple Gekko Yagura (Muzula) who will unlock the lottery ticket dispensary.
Visit the NPCs and Locations sections for more information.
Adopting Livlies
At the beginning of the game, you can adopt a Livly. After the Golden Beanstalk grows to maturity, you will be given a second garden and the opportunity to adopt another Livly. As you accumulate more gardens, you can adopt more Livlies. You can only keep as many Livlies as you have gardens.
To adopt a Livly, you should visit Dr. Muller's office.
Visit the Locations section for more information.
List of Livlies

001 - Pygmy - "Splendor Salve"
Likes: Grass
Dislikes: Mystery
This Livly was first discovered by the Muller Institute. It's rather active and prefers warm temperatures.

002 - Tobine - "Cauda Salire"
Likes: Grass
Dislikes: Mystery
This Livly has fantastic jumping abilities. It's shy, but very intelligent. It's coat is thick and resistant to both the heat and cold.

003 - Amenohigurashi - "Pluvia Vivus"
Likes: Water
Dislikes: Wastelands
This Livly's skin is smooth and has camouflage patterning. It's incredibly quick when it comes to snatching up whatever catches its eye.

004 - Gekko Yagura - "Luna Umbella"
Likes: Grass
Dislikes: Mystery
This Livly has the strange ability to float in midair. It's particularly good at swimming and loves sunny weather.

005 - Watame - "Xylinum Candidus"
Likes: Snowfield
Dislikes: Marsh
This Livly is covered in a soft, fluffy wool that stretches or shrinks in order to regulate body temperature and induce a feeling of calm.

006 - Ogre - "Monstrum Purpureus"
Likes: Wastelands, Sand
Dislikes: Autumn
This giant Livly has a high intelligence and superior strength. Its head twitches when in a good mood.

007 - Black Dog - "Electritas Ater"
Likes: Grass
Dislikes: Mystery
This Livly's body has a "hood" of waterproof fur. It's got quite the temper and likes to hide away.

008 - Juraphant - "Terra Longus"
Likes: Wastelands, Sand
Dislikes: Autumn
The "nose" of this Livly is actually its head and the "tusks" are arms. It's rather calm and easygoing.

009 - Kumpa - "Splendor Ater"
Likes: Grass
Dislikes: Mystery
The "ears" of this Livly are actually horns made of hardened fur. It can be temperamental, but is deeply loyal.

010 - Pakike - "Puella Corniger"
Likes: Fairytale
Dislikes: Sand
This Livly's fur pattern is remarkably similar to clothing. It's gentle and has an affinity for beautiful things.

011 - Hana Archi - "Nasus Gradi"
Likes: Grass
Dislikes: Mystery
This Livly is able to walk around on its twin trunks as if they were legs. It can jump with great strength, but its other limbs are quite weak.

012 - Mushicho - "Phoenix Penni-non"
Likes: Sand
Dislikes: Autumn
This Livly can't fly, but has incredible jumping skills and eyesight. It exudes a royal aura.

013 - Sanairo Yunk - "Ala Salire"
Likes: Grass
Dislikes: Mystery
This Livly loves to bounce around in wide open areas. It's full of curiosity and energy.

014 - Hanamaki - "Nasus Volvo"
Likes: Grass
Dislikes: Mystery
This Livly loves to explore new places with its nose. Though its ears are big, it's quite hard of hearing.

015 - Kambojaku - "Passer Cucurbita"
Likes: Mystery
Dislikes: Fairytale
This Livly has sharp teeth, a perpetually aggressive face, and a volatile personality, but is very gentle and loving.

016 - Kemari - "Avis Nivalis"
Likes: Snowfield
Dislikes: Marsh
This Livly is covered with dense layers of fluffy feathers that are resistant to the cold. It's head seems empty most of the time.

017 - Ostunowatake - "Xylinum Corniger"
Likes: Snowfield
Dislikes: Marsh
This Livly is soft, in both personality and touch. It's fluffy fur is particularly bouncy.

018 - Tounas Modoki - "Sus Cucurbita"
Likes: Mystery
Dislikes: Fairytale
This Livly is known to be unpredictable and sometimes violent, but has a charming personality.

019 - Yuki Muguri - "Pellis Argenteus"
Likes: Snowfield
Dislikes: Marsh
This Livly's long fur is perfectly adapted to cold environments. It uses its horns to dig holes in snow and hide inside.

020 - Mountain Pygmy - "Splendor Magnus"
Likes: Wastelands, Sand
Dislikes: Autumn
This Livly is a giant variant of the Pygmy. Despite its strength and angry expression, it has a heart of gold.

021 - Lovox - "Calix Amoenus"
Likes: Fairytale
Dislikes: Sand
This Livly has a large heart-shaped head and even larger ears. Despite this, it's quite hard of hearing.

022 - Hempuku Jincho - "Sonus Nocticulus"
Likes: Grass
Dislikes: Mystery
This Livly's wings are too small to fly with. Since its eyesight is so poor, it uses echolocation by emitting sounds from its nose.

023 - Ikkaku Ferel - "Capra Unicornis"
Likes: Snowfield
Dislikes: Marsh
The single horn of this Livly is made of wood. Its thick fur is very resistant to the cold.

022 - White Starling - "Avis Gradi"
Likes: Grass
Dislikes: Mystery
This Livly's puffed out chest is perfectly shaped to store food. It loves to sunbathe and avoids the dark.

022 - Mimimaki Mukune - "Auris Helice"
Likes: Fairytale
Dislikes: Sand
This Livly grows long, curly hair from its ears. It's very intelligent and loves learning new things.

026 - Volg - "Ala Tenebrarius"
Likes: Mystery
Dislikes: Fairytale
This Livly is born under the light of a full moon. It can't fly very high, but it can glide great distances.

027 - Yuki Warabe - "Deus Nivalis"
Likes: Snowfield
Dislikes: Marsh
This Livly's fur is resistant to the cold, but can't deal with the heat. It loves nature and has an active imagination.

028 - Kui - "Benedictio Aureus"
Likes: Snowfield
Dislikes: Marsh
This Livly has a big heart and gets along well with most people. It likes to move around a lot.

029 - Piki - "Auris Dicere"
Likes: Fairytale
Dislikes: Sand
This Livly loves music, but it's fluffy ears are very sensitive to most other noises. It can't sit still and is always on the move.

030 - Warm - "Pellis Calidus"
Likes: Snowfield
Dislikes: Marsh
This Livly's fur is so thick and dense, that any liquid that gets on it never reaches the skin. It moves slowly, taking in the sights.

031 - Ubo - "Dens Acutus"
Likes: Grass
Dislikes: Mystery
This Livly's long fur is fairly resistant to the cold. It can be quite selfish and demanding, but it does have a strong heart.

032 - Wang - "Auris Calidus"
Likes: Snowfield
Dislikes: Marsh
This Livly is very sensitive to smell and can easily find food under the snow. It always has quite the appetite.

033 - Clone Pygmy - "Splendor Salve"
Created From: Peach Heart dd
Likes: Mystery
Dislikes: Fairytale
This cloned Livly is the result of years of research. The bandages on its body help keep it together.

034 - Primitive Pygmy - "Splendor Originalis"
Created From: Yellow Heart dd
Likes: Grass
Dislikes: Mystery
This Livly is the medieval variant of the Pygmy. Its back legs are not built for upright walking and its front legs lack dexterity.

035 - Primitive Tobine - "Cauda Originalis"
Created From: Red Heart dd
Likes: Grass
Dislikes: Mystery
This Livly is the medieval variant of the Tobine. Its fur is resistant to the cold, but its jumping ability is poor.

036 - Primitive Ogre - "Monstrum Originalis"
Created From: Violet Heart dd
Likes: Wastelands, Sand
Dislikes: Autumn
This Livly is the medieval variant of the Ogre. It's covered in dense and fluffy fur that's resistant to the cold.

037 - Primitive Black Dog - "Electritas Originalis"
Created From: Blue Heart dd
Likes: Mystery
Dislikes: Fairytale
This Livly is the medieval variant of the Black Dog. It has a terrible temper and is hard to control.

038 - Primitive Pakike - "Puella Originalis"
Created From: Crimson Heart dd
Likes: Fairytale
Dislikes: Sand
This Livly is the medieval variant of the Pakike. Its long fur drapes over almost its entire body.

039 - Primitive Watame - "Xylinum Originalis"
Created From: Grey Heart dd
Likes: Fairytale
Dislikes: Sand
This Livly is the medieval variant of the Watame. It has dangerous claws, but is actually quite docile. It actively avoids the cold.

040 - Shojo Daruma - "Flasco Cogitare"
Created From: Emerald Heart dd
Likes: Wastelands, Sand
Dislikes: Autumn
This Livly was recently discovered by the Muller Institute. It's quite laid-back and calm.

041 - Madarakaga - "Cornu Varius"
Created From: Olive Heart dd
Likes: Water
Dislikes: Wastelands
This Livly loves damp environments and bright lights. It's got a strong heart and is quite cunning towards opponents.

042 - Osanahigurashi - "Pluvia Parvulus"
Created From: Light Blue Heart dd
Likes: Water
Dislikes: Wastelands
This Livly variant of the Amenohigurashi has gone through neoteny. It's quite sensitive to both sound and smell.

043 - Kurome - "Penna Cattus"
Created From: Black Heart dd
Likes: Mystery
Dislikes: Fairytale
This Livly's big eyes can see in the dark. It walks silently and can fly for short amounts of time.

044 - Medene - "Solis Ortus"
Created From: Green Heart dd
Likes: Grass
Dislikes: Mystery
This Livly loves to chew on hard things with its strong front teeth. It can make its eyes pop out to scare others.

045 - Netatsuzaru - "Dies Specialis"
Created From: Orange Heart dd
Likes: Grass
Dislikes: Mystery
This Livly has lots of energy and is very intelligent. Its body is resistant to both the cold and heat.

046 - Bizoo - "Daemonium Nasus"
Created From: Beige Heart dd
Likes: Grass
Dislikes: Mystery
This Livly is very sensitive to smell, sometimes to its detriment. It's got quite the temper and can be hard to get along with.

047 - Candy Snow - "Xylinum Salire"
Created From: White Heart dd
Likes: Grass
Dislikes: Mystery
This Livly has fluffy fur that's resistant to the cold. It has an abundance of curiosity and positivity.

048 - Gozu - "Minotaurus Mitis"
Created From: Cobalt Heart dd
Likes: Wastelands, Sand
Dislikes: Autumn
This Livly is very gentle and kind. When it gets excited, it shakes its whole body.

049 - Mintz - "Cauda Erudire"
Created From: Purple Heart dd
Likes: Wastelands, Sand
Dislikes: Autumn
This Livly loves to flaunt its giant, fluffy tail. It's very intelligent and kind.

050 - Mover - "Odor Reptabundus"
Created From: Lime Heart dd
Likes: Water
Dislikes: Wastelands
This Livly's whole body is very soft and squishy. It can be a bit unpredictable and will emit a particular scent depending on its mood.

051 - Zebul - "Fascination Auricula"
Created From: Brown Heart dd
Likes: Mystery
Dislikes: Fairytale
This Livly has a pointy snout and ears that look like horns. It likes to climb trees with its long arms and tail.

052 - Tsunonadeshi - "Quietus Spiritus"
Created From: Pink Heart dd
Likes: Water
Dislikes: Wastelands
This Livly's body is especially slick and slimy. It loves to be in the water and is quick on its feet.
- Introduction
- Opening Scene
- Livlies
- Doodoo
- Tutorials
- NPCs
- Locations
- Golden Beanstalk
- Biometer & More
- Bugs
- Plants
- Soil Types
- Livly Abilities
- Monsters
- Strategies