Opening Scene
For those interested, here is the opening scene for Livly Garden translated to English (read left to right).
On a sunny day, in the afternoon...
What's that?
Whoa!? That's not a bug! it a bug?
Huh? What is this creature?
It seems perfectly harmless...
Looking closer, it's kinda cute.
but where did it come from?
"It seems that Livly likes you!"
"How exceptional!"
"I don't mean to be suspicious."
"Whoops, pardon me."
"I'm the owner of that creature."
"Give me a moment,
"Sorry for surprising you."
let's talk properly."
"I am a biologist who studies Livlies,
"You can call me Dr. Muller."
such as the creature you see before you."
but would you like your own Livly?"
"This may seem sudden,
"This Livly seems to trust you."
you will be a good and caring owner."
"And it gives me hope that
I see there's no need to ask."
"When I look at you,
"This document will let you keep a Livly."
[Player Entry]
"Just sign your name here."
"Please pick which Livly you'd like."
"You may even find a favorite."
"There are many species to choose from."
"Once you have chosen a Livly,
[Player Entry]
you can give it a name."
"That seems to be everything."
how to care for Livlies."
"Don't worry, I will show you
Huh, how strange.
fills me with excitement for the future.
Having this Livly by my side
[Livly Garden]
- Introduction
- Opening Scene
- Livlies
- Doodoo
- Tutorials
- NPCs
- Locations
- Golden Beanstalk
- Biometer & More
- Bugs
- Plants
- Soil Types
- Livly Abilities
- Monsters
- Strategies