
Livlies have a unique excrement, called doodoo (dd). It comes in the form of precious gems and is the main currency used to buy seeds, decorations, and make crafting recipes at the Happy Wagon Shop. Your Livlies will occasionally give you a prompt to help them poop. If you don’t help your Livlies poop, don’t worry, you will still find dd strewn about the garden every now and then.

Later in the game, after growing the Golden Beanstalk to maturity, your Livlies will be able to give you heart-shaped dd which can be brought to Dr. Muller and used to discover new species of Livlies. Heart-shaped dd comes in many different colors, which determines the Livly that can be made from it. The color of heart-shaped dd always comes out randomly, so you will inevitably get copies.

Visit the Golden Beanstalk section for more information.

Visit the Livlies section for a list of Livlies and their respective heart-shaped dd colors.

Keep in mind that there is a small chance for you to get any heart-shaped dd and in order for it to trigger, you have to help your Livlies poop when prompted. That is to say, you can’t leave a Livly alone to poop, come back later, and expect to find heart-shaped dd somewhere in the garden. It’s not like normal dd.

Heart-Shaped Doodoo Colors

Peach dd

Yellow dd

Red dd

Violet dd

Blue dd

Crimson dd

Grey dd

Emerald dd

Olive dd

Light Blue dd

Black dd

Green dd

Orange dd

Beige dd

White dd

Cobalt dd

Purple dd

Lime dd

Brown dd

Pink dd

- Introduction

- Opening Scene

- Livlies

- Doodoo

- Tutorials

- NPCs

- Locations

- Golden Beanstalk

- Biometer & More

- Bugs

- Plants

- Soil Types

- Livly Abilities

- Monsters

- Strategies