
Livly Garden is a game for the Nintendo DS that was released exclusively in Japan.

As a fan of Livly Island (mobile game), I wanted to find more Livly content out there and came across this game. I do not speak Japanese, but I decided to take on this challenge for the fun of it. Unfortunately, anytime I became stumped by something and tried looking it up online, there were scarce amounts of information in English. There is already a dedicated Wiki for Livly Garden, but it's in Japanese and Google Translate is egregiously bad at translating this site.

So, in the rare case that there is someone out there like me who is interested in this game but is unsure about being able to fully enjoy it, I started translating (to the best of my ability) the important bits of the game to organize in my own Wiki. I hope this is able to introduce more people to Livly Garden!

As a side note, this website seems to have compatibility issues with phone screens. It should still technically be usable, but it's very ugly-looking.

About the Game

Livly Garden is a game in which you take care of a tiny pet, known as a "Livly", that lives in a garden that you will tend to. You can plant seeds to grow all kinds of flowers, trees, bushes, fungi, and mosses that you can harvest from for materials. Your Livly will help to take care of the garden and plants with the special abilites it can learn. Livlies learn new abilities by eating different kinds of bugs, which you will discover as different plants attract them to the garden.

Outside of planting, you can also decorate your garden with various items and furnishings. Most of these can be bought, but there are some you can craft with harvested materials, and some you can get as rewards. There are also hats your Livlies can wear!

This game is something you could play once a day, to check up on your Livlies, tend to the garden(s), and make sure nothing dies. It's pretty relaxing to play and I personally love discovering new plants and bugs.

About the Wiki

This Wiki will use images sourced from the Japanese Livly Garden Wiki as well as my own screenshots.

The written descriptions for Livlies, abilities, bugs, plants, etc. are translated from the game and/or the Japanese Livly Garden Wiki with Google Translate and edited by me for clarity, but some are replaced entirely due to poor translation. Some Livly names and parts of their descriptions may come from Livly Island.

This Wiki is a WIP and some information is missing or has gaps. Last updated on March the 15th, 2024.

- Introduction

- Opening Scene

- Livlies

- Doodoo

- Tutorials

- NPCs

- Locations

- Golden Beanstalk

- Biometer & More

- Bugs

- Plants

- Soil Types

- Livly Abilities

- Monsters

- Strategies